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What's Up Wednesday- July!

I will spare you the "I can't believe July is already over" speech, but seriously!  I will say though that after the 4'th of July was over I got the summer is almost over feeling of doom. Working on my Fall Schedule and School Starting AUGUST 8'th really didn't help either! But I digress, on to the questions!

As always linking up with Mix and Match Mama!

What I'm eating this week: Well I'm starting this on Sunday, and tonight I had Grilled Pork Burgers for Dinner. I'll have left over on Monday, Tuesday will be Buck Creek Pizza! YAY! I LOVE their cheese pizza!! And the rest of the week I am sure will be either cold items or something grilled, it's hot yo!

What I'm reminiscing about: Nothing really?

What I'm loving: Payless Click List!! Listen, I love this so much I plan to devote an entire blog post to it! Basically you order your groceries online and they bring them out to your vehicle and load them for you! You only have to roll down your window to pay! IT.IS.WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!! And yes I have officially hit old person status when grocery shopping made easy gets me this excited.

What I've been up to: I have been really busy lately! I've been out of town two weekends in a row for Mystery Church Assignments. Last week I had an Eye Exam, this week Another Dr's visit, I went to the fair last week before teaching one day. An hour long concert I'm playing on Tuesday means I have been practicing a lot lately and picking out the songs to play, timing them, and copying them to put them in my performance binder. Busy Busy Busy! I am looking forward to a lazy weekend!!!

What I'm dreading:Winter and cold weather! This heat kills me a little but I'd rather have hot weather over winter any day! I'm also a little sad about summer schedule ending. Back to teaching late every night of the week.:(

What I'm working on: Getting Organized! And I have been doing somewhat of a face lift on my bedroom. It's still a work in progress but I have high hopes for it! And as always, working on students lesson plans, areas they need help on, and practicing myself for a concert on Tuesday of this week.

What I'm excited about: I'm excited to have Ladies who Lunch with Emboz, Madi and Bethanne later this week! Bethanne has been out of the country on a missions trip and I'm really excited to hear all about it!

What I'm Watching/Reading: I'm trying to finish my library books that are due! Currently reading an old Dee Henderson Book. Clint Hill's latest book Five Presidents, and desperately trying to reach and surpass my 168 reading hours by the deadline next weekend! I'm currently Watching Body of Proof, and re starting Private Practice. I need a show to watch/listen to while I do other things so I'm re watching these. Cherrybear needs a new show to binge!

What I'm listening to: Right now as I finish this on Tuesday evening all I hear is my mini fan, and the fridge running. Sweet Silence!!

What I'm wearing:Monday I wore my new black maxi skirt that I scored at Goodwill last week! It si SO comfy and I feel like I'm wearing PJ's when  I wear it! I paired it with a flowy blue top and a gold necklace with dark purple and some feathers. Tuesday I'll be wearing shorts (because it's really hot where i'm going to be playing the piano at) and a gold sleeveless top my Mom just gave me, along with my favorite sparkly gold sandals! The rest of the week, who knows! It will probably be shorts, and sleeveless tops all week long. Did i mention it was hot??!

What I'm doing this weekend: Going to my own church!! I have been doing some Mystery Church Assignments, and while they are interesting (and awkward) they really make me miss my own church! I'm excited to be back at Northview!

What I'm looking forward to next month: I don't have anything exciting on the calendar for August. I am kind of excited for school to start, because that means no early lessons, aka more sleep! But I'm sad for summer to end. :(

What else is new: One of these days I will have something really exciting to put in this space. So far not so much! HA!


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