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What's Up Wednesday- August Edition! (On a Friday)

So I started writing this post on Monday with intentions of posting it ON TIME, but then Weds was crazy, and by Thursday I was really sick. So here I am crawling to the finish line on Friday and finally posting this. (Hopefully)

What I'm Eating This Week: Well, so far it's been random things here and there, as I haven't felt great. But Weds I am going out to eat with Audra at Firehouse Subs! So excited! I LOVE that place! Friday I grilled Hamburgers and Made some Creamy Parmesan Pasta Salad. And ROCKED the Apron if I do say so myself!

What I'm Reminiscing About: I have been thinking a lot about my childhood fun with my cousins Nick and Nate lately. After the tragedy that struck our family, it has brought back a lot of memories. The Go Fund Me is still up and they haven't met their goal, so if you feel led to donate you can do so HERE.

What I'm Loving: My New Dollar General Softer than Soft Fake Denim Leggings. Sweet mercy they are SO comfy!! I will definitely be getting another pair, if not two more! Also loving being able to break out my new leopard ballet flats. Its not really cool here yet, but I am really getting tired of my summer clothes, so I am desperate to wear something different!

What I've been up to: Trying to fight off whatever sickness I've had. Not succeeding in fighting off said sickness. After I got done teaching Today (Friday) I have been going crazy cleaning. My house feels like a pit after not doing much cleaning throughout the week!

What I'm Dreading: My Mom brought down a ton of my old clothes she had held on to, for me to sell. I joke that I have "Charity's Clothing Emporium" in my spare room. This weekend I need to post tons of stuff on ebay.

What I'm working on: Well I'm working on cleaning and organizing my house. During this I also decided to get out my tub of Fall Decorations. Because it's Sept 2, and it was "cool" enough for me to wear jeggings so of course there must be pumpkins and leaves out! I'm also in the midst of planning for my Studio's Christmas Recital. We have our date and I'm working on assigning students their books. I already have two students who have their songs picked out!! I am patting myself on the back, because that is huge!

What I'm excited about: I have decided I need some more fall decorations :) And I'm excited about purchasing some new things!! And really just decorating for a new season. I"m all about seasonal decorations!!

What I'm Watching/Reading: I'm really ready for Fall TV. I ran out of decent shows to binge watch, so I've been re watching "The Glades" but I'm on the last season now. I need some new tv!! I have been reading like crazy though, tons of Dee Henderson, Diann Mills, Catherine Coulter. Give me allll the mysteries!! I have a new book by Lexi Eddings to read and review, so I'm excited about checking out a new author! Stay tuned for the review!

What I'm listening to: Right now I'm listening to the fan, my loud fridge running, and the noises from outside because it's finally nice enough for me to open my windows! CAN I GET AN AMEN??!!! I LOVE having my windows open, and also love saving on my heating/cooling bills. So nice to have some fresh air!

What I'm Wearing: I'm trying to remember what I wore this week....... I can't remember Monday or Tuesday, Wednesday I wore shorts and a flutter sleeved top from ON. Thursday, Jammies, and today I have on my super soft DG Jeggings, Walmart Leopard print flats and a baby blue sleeveless top, which I got several compliments on!

What I'm doing this weekend: Still not sure! It's Labor Day weekend so I'm stoked for a long weekend and some time off! 

What I'm looking forward to next month: I am getting so excited to see my two nephews that will be visiting soon!! I can't wait to hug and kiss them! Well, my oldest nephew at least, the little one is still unsure. Perhaps I can bribe him with going outdoors, one of his favorite things to do!

What Else is New: Um... Nothing?


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