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What's Up Wednesday! Last of 2016

So for the second month in a row the Bloggers I link up with are really trying to throw me off by doing What's Up Wednesday NOT on the last Wednesday of the month.  Anywho, I'm hopefully finishing this on the actual day and linking up with Shay at Mix and Match Mama!

What I'm Eating this week: We had Christmas with my Brother and his family this past weekend, so I"m still eating leftovers and turkey!

What I'm reminiscing about:

Today is Audra's Birthday! YAY! Happy Birthday Auds! I got to reminiscing about our friendship and our past celebrations every Dec. This is one of my favorite pictures of us, the first of the three of us after Addie was born! She looks like a doll!!

What I'm Loving: TOMORROW STARTS CHRISTMAS VACATION!!!!!!!!!! Two Glorious weeks of no alarm clocks (except for church) no work, and some rest and relaxation! And doing whatever I want and not having to watch the clock to see how much time I have!

What I've been up to:

 A Girls afternoon Christmas Shopping with my Mom.
Spending time with my cute lil tablet buddy Lovemuffin
And this character.... :)

What I'm dreading: Only thing I am dreading is when my vacation is over! HA!

What I'm Working On: Laundry! And that's IT!!!!!

What I'm Excited About: Did I mention I'm almost on Vacation? I really don't take a summer vacation or anything like that because when you're self employed vacation days are Non Paid days. But I take two glorious weeks off at Christmas to rest, relax and recharge. This time is very much needed!!

What I'm Watching/Reading: I am finishing up White Collar. Goodness, I love that show!! And Hoping that Netflix helps me out with a good binge show come January! As For reading I have two books I need to read and review so I really need to get on top of that! AND my SIL got me the Fixer Upper Book for Christmas! I can't wait to read it!!

What I'm Listening to: Right now the Glorious Sound of Silence! But in about 20 mins it will be my final Piano Student playing Christmas music!

What I'm Wearing:

Terrible picture of my slippers, but I"m too lazy to take another one! Mom gave me an early Christmas present of these ADORABLE Grey and Black Fair Aisle Slippers and they are sooooo comft and cushy!! I am loving them!! Also sporting jeans, a grey shirt and a dark blue grey cardigan. My Shirt has coffee on it, so I'll spare you that picture,

What I'm doing this Weekend: It's CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be at my Church for our Christmas Eve Service, and then serving at the second Christmas eve service and then I have plans to spread some Christmas cheer around town. Stay Tuned :)

What I'm looking forward to next Month:

 I get to see this Goober...
And her Momma!!! They Moved two states away but will be in the state for Christmas so we are meeting up on their drive back to have lunch, exchange gifts and catch up!

What else is new:

 In *VERY* Exciting News, Lovemuffin has finally warmed up to his Auntie!! I was finally able to pick him up and hold him and interact with him and HUG him, without him screaming! Truth be told I haven't even tried touching him or anything as I knew what it would lead to. I haven't held and snuggled him since he was a few months old. *Tears* My Auntie heart was SO SO happy that he finally likes me, and when he hugged me goodnight for the first time I just about cried. We won't talk about when he held my hand at the dinner prayer and my other nephew was holding my other hand.  I think my heart exploded a bit!
Goodness I just love that little face!! He is such a sweetie!  He still hasn't quite figured out pictures, but he has the sweetest little smile!


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