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21/52- Also known as my 1300'th Post!

 Last Monday started off with a trip to Walmart (which rarely ever happens!, I am an Aldi's girl, but they are working on the road in front of Aldi's so it's really hard to get to!) for some groceries and some baking items I needed for something I'll share about later in this post! While I was in the Cheese Aisle, I heard someone say MISS CHARITY!! I whipped my head around, trying to figure out who it was and where they were and saw one of my Monday Students Grandma, Mimi, as they call her! It was a fun little surprise to see her there! I came back home, unloaded and prepared for battle. Or so it felt. I usually have a dinner break between groups of students on Mondays, but by a scheduling change of my niceness, I didn't. So I taught all 6 of my lessons back to back. I felt like I was preparing to go to War! Or Run a marathon! HA! I hydrated, ate some before I started so I wouldn't have a low blood sugar moment, and powered through. It really wasn't bad, but I'll admit, I was hungry and thirsty by the time I got done.
So I had a bowl of Cereal at 8 pm.

 Tuesday was something fun AND entertaining. Three of my students were performing in their school's talent show, so I rearranged the concert I had scheduled that day, to the week before, in order for me to attend! It was fun but it was LONG. And some of the students (not mine of course!!) were lacking in the actual talent area.  Since they are kids I will refrain from sharing my thoughts on the world wide web, but sweet mercy. First up was my student who was singing in a choir, and she did so well! I told her later that when they started singing I was blown away, in a good way! Because they didn't sound like kids singing, it was like ladies singing with beautiful voices! They Sang Somewhere Over the Rainbow, which is one of my favorite songs! I couldn't find the families when I got there so I sat by myself, off to the left side of the room, on a bench? that was not created for adults bottoms. I'll just say that. But it was in the area of the Piano and I had a clear shot to see and was able to stand up and video my students without being in anyones way. So I stood up to video my first student and she saw me right away and just started BEAMING. Oh it was so precious!!!!!
 Her little sister sang in a group, which I got a video of, and she also played the Piano and did PERFECTLY!!!!! I had a near heart attack when she went up to the Piano and didn't have Music. Thankfully she memorizes quite well, but that was the most terrifying 60 seconds of my life.
And this little cutie!!! She picked out Ode to Joy to play, and not only was I proud that she loves Beethoven, but she did such a good job, despite the teacher coming up to her MID PERFORMANCE to correct a note. Which by the way did NOT help. And threw her off. I don't have kids, but I think of my students as my own, and my Mama Bear/Teacher Bear wanted to body check the teacher to leave her alone! I resisted the urge, but it was hard. :)  After the show was over, My student saw me (before her family!) and started running up to hug me! My heart exploded.  She is just the cutest!!!! Thankfully she wasn't a fast runner so it gave me time to squat down on the floor to catch her. Because you know, short kid, tall teacher. We went and found her family and the other family and took pictures and chatted. It was a fun way to spend a Tuesday Evening!!

After I was done at the talent show, I was super thirsty. It had been so warm in the room that I drank all of my water bottle. (It also lasted about 2 hours....) So I swung thru Igloo on the way home and treated myself to a fruit drink.
So Tuesday it was warm and Humid. And then Wednesday hit and it was like it was in March!! I busted out some of my long sleeved shirts I got at the garage sales last week, and my Mom dropped by and brought me these super cute grey flats she found at Walmart!

Tuesday and Wednesday I finished working on the project I was making for a student. One of my students missed his Christmas Party in a lesson in Dec. He still got his gift but he didn't get the plate full of treats that I give to each student. Since then I have heard AT LEAST once a month. the woes and sadness of him missing it. His birthday was in May and I was having trouble figuring out what to get him, and then one week he happened to mention the woes once again, and I decided that I would make hi a TON of treats for his birthday. And ton, it was!! I didn't count everything but I made three different kinds of cookies- Iced Sugar Cookies, Chocolate Chip Cookies, and Peanut Butter Cookies. I also made White Cupcakes, along with my famous peanut butter fudge. I was a baking fool!!
I had to use an old Christmas present box to fit the cupcakes and sugar cookies inside of. He was definitely surprised! And my house smelled REALLY good.

Thursday was cold and gloomy once again, so it called for another new shirt, cardigan, and scarf combo. I could not get warm all day!!
During one of my lessons my student asked if I could sign her Field Day shirt. I felt pretty fancy. HA! So I got creative and did a Bass Clef on her left arm sleeve and...
A Treble Clef on her right arm sleeve, along with my name!
I had to keep moving the sleeve over, as I wrote each letter. #NeedAShorterName

Friday, as Evidenced by my VERY EXCITED FACE, I was stoked to have TWO lessons standing between me and my 4 day Holiday weekend!! #This Teacher Needed a Break ! I got up extra early to go to the Chiro and run some errands before teaching and then as soon as I was done......

I picked up some Cokes from Igloo and headed over to Jboz' House for some Celebratory Baptist Happy Hour! Roman was LOVVVIINNNG his Mama's Coke Zero with Vanilla. I had my normal Vanilla Marshmallow Coke and it was delicious. It might have tasted even better since it was a Holiday weekend and my last Friday to teach for the whole summer. Oh yes, that's right! I arranged my schedule to take Fridays off and I'm pretty stoked about that!

 Sunday morning I enjoyed drinking my Coffee in my new mug I got at the garage sales. Isn't it SOOO PRETTY??!!
 I was sporting my brand new clearance dress I scored at Dollar General. The top of the back has a white lace area and it's really pretty! It was only slightly disconcerting to sit in church and then feel a breeze thru the back of my dress. (I had a tank top on underneath of course, but still!)
 I was feelin myself. H
And on my lower half, capri jeggings, and some comfy grey flats!

After church, I walked around the West Side Walmart for awhile, I think I have been in Walmart more in the past month, than I have in a year. But apparently walking around the West Side Walmart is now something I like to do after church. ha! After that, I ran over to Aldi and after the Aldi experience decided I would stick with my regular Lafayette Aldi. I wasn't a fan. We had a random pop up thunderstorm that poured buckets for about 10 mins, and then stopped just like that. After my excurions on the west side I headed back home to unload, and get things ready for my lawn girl to come mow that afternoon. #AllergicToGrass

 While I was outside I was excited to see that several plants were coming up from when I planted seeds several weeks ago!!
 Granted, I planted things in a complete line on this planter and as you can see it's rather sparse. Minor Detail. I'm waiting to see how long it is before the Nazi Bunnies and Squirrels that eat all of my plants, destroy these.
After a great Sunday afternoon, with the joy that I didn't have to get up and work on Memorial Day, I experienced even more joy when I found DR QUINN MEDICINE WOMAN on AMAZON VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The scream of joy I am doing in this picture is legit.; I also did it on my couch, actually that was more than a squeal. But I was legit excited!!!! Now If Only they would add Diagnosis Murder and Matlock!!!!!!

This week is going to be great because I only teach TWO days! WHAT WHAT!! OH the GLORY!!!!


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