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What's Up Wednesday

What I'm eating this week: Well Earlier in the week I made Chicken, Mushroom, Ranch in the crock pot. I added pasta in with it for the last half hour and it was so good!! In the middle of the week I made my family's Shepherd's Pie casserole, and then Thursday I made Momfessionals Stuffed Pasta Shells. Which honestly I have been making almost once a week. They are so yummy!!!! I'm all about the casseroles and crock pot meals right now. This teacher doesn't have time to cook between students!

What I'm reminiscing about: Nothing that I can think of!

What I'm loving: I am happy it's finally fall weather! 80's in October was ridiculous. I'm excited to be back in my fall clothes. All the leggings, all the time! #SoCozy I've also been loving my new phone and how the battery holds a charge much longer than my old one! Also enjoying the range of apps I can get now that I have an Android!

What I've been up to: Teaching, Bible Study, Teaching. Planning for the Christmas Recital, Christmas Shopping. I've been busy!

What I'm dreading: Well Thursdays are my roughest days, but I'm at the point where I only have one student left in the day so I'm not dreading Thursdays any more!

What I'm working on: Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. Right now it's all about the Recital which is 5 weeks away. EEKS!! But I'm also christmas shopping and planning my purchases. Some things I want for my parents I am hoping to score on black friday online, so I'm hunting down the deals.

What I'm excited about: Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!!! I really like Thanksgiving break as there is no stress! My friend/student and honorary member of our family will be joining us again for Thanksgiving and we always have a fun time at family dinners! It's nice to have people other than my parents there. Not that I don't love them, but we have heard all of our own stories :)

What I'm watching/reading: Ok, So I don't have cable, but when I switched my internet I got basic tv, because I love me some cbs shows. And this time i got a DVR. It has changed my world! I can press pause when I am watching tv to use the facilities, or read an email, or go do a task I suddenly remember. It's great! I can DVR the news and stuff I wouldn't get to watch while I am teaching and watch it later. Specifically, I tape Mad about You every day, I stinkin love that show!!

I have been reading a lot lately. The book that stands out to me the most is a book about a Jewish Dr's story of being Dr Death's assistant at Auschwitz during the war. 

It was chilling. Heartbreaking, I don't even know what to say. Literally getting an up close view at what exactly happened to people when they got off the transportation (usually a train) and were put into two different lines. One to live and one not to, but they didn't have any clue. And then how they were taken to the gas chambers and what happened inside. It's just..... I'm sitting here shaking my head. I don't know the words to convey how terrible it is that MILLIONS of people were murdered, and the world let it happen. Obviously this isn't a light read, but I think it's important to read hard life events ( I don't want to call it a "Story" because this was real life) so we can learn from them, hope and pray we can see the signs before anything like this happens again and prevent it. And in some way, honor those who went through this by reading their life in the concentration camp. This happened. And we can't, and shouldn't turn away from it or ignore it.

What I'm listening to: Well that was heavy, and there's no good segway. I have been listening to Christmas Music, this am I popped on the NSYNC Christmas Station on Pandora, and got to hear "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays" and I was a happy girl. Currently after teaching 5 students in a row I am listening to the glorious sound of SILENCE.

What I'm wearing: Leggings, a Tunic, Socks and SLIPPERS! YESSSSS!! Yesterday was leggings, sweater, puffer vest and boots. 

And Thursday was leggings, tunic,long cardigan, and slippers!

What I'm doing this weekend: Church and nothing else! Actually, I need to DIY my Halloween costume. I should probably start on that tonight after I'm done teaching.

What I'm looking forward to next month: Thanksgiving break! And the Recital! More importantly the Recital being done! It is super stressful right up until the final picture with Miss Charity in front of the piano is taken. Then I can relax.

What else is new: Not a whole lot! I wish I had something interesting to add but I can't think of anything.


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