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8/52 My Birthday Week!!!


Once again it's a backwards week! 

My birthday was beautiful warm weather which was much needed after the snow and cold!
The awesome Piano notebook Karen had made for me!
On my way back to town I stopped at my friend Karen's house, as she said she had a present for me. We had a lovely, masked, socially distanced time of chatting which was SO good for my soul! And she gave me this adorable notebook!!! I love it!! And I love her!
First selfie of 39!!
My Mom is so cute!
She humors me with the pictures.... MOST of the time. HA!
Tried out M & M Ice Cream Cake from Walmart this year. (After food poisoning from Dairy Queen in 2019, I have no desire to ever eat there again) and it was really tasty! And a whole lot cheaper than Dairy Queen!!
One Day! This was also my Grandma's Birthday. I miss her so much. I went to the cemetery that day to see her grave for the first time.
Music from the Heart relocated for the second half of the week!
On my way home!!
It was in the high 40's so I sat outside at the Chiro and soaked up the sunshine!
Snow, and slightly bare legs. Welcome to Indiana!!

3 Days until my birthday! Rocking my new Snoopy shirt and about to head out for the farm!

Look at the adorable mug my student gave me! I live for those lashes!!

I decorated a little bit, not a ton since I was going to be gone for the second half of the week.
Oh Musescore, how I love you!!!


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