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Blog Take #2

Well I had half of a huge blog written untill i did something wacky and erased all of it before it had saved itself. :( So here we go again!

Its Friday night and despite the fact that WNTW is a rerun and the Olympics covereage is taking up my normal friday nite Dateline NBC watching, I am in a fabulous mood.

I gave my notice at work today and it went really well. I was pretty worried and stressed out about it, basically freaking out. I had to wear a high necked shirt to work today because I had my scared/nervous rash on my chest and neck. So that was lovely. Anyways, my Boss took it well, she was happy for me. Sad to see me go, but happy for my career path. She even told me that if things didn't work out down the road and I needed a job, to call her and she would be happy to have me back. So that was really cool. I respect her alot and for her to say that to me and give me her blessing really meant alot to me.

The rest of the day went MUCH BETTER after that. Even though all but two of the women in the office refused to talk to me after they found out i was leaving. Seriously, the drama is pathetic! God has really shown me the past few days that taking the job at Purdue is what he wants me to do. So that has been good.

I seriously injured my lower back somehow sun eve/mon. By Tuesday I couldn't walk and had to lay in bed and on the couch flat on my back. I have never had pain like that before. My chiropracter couldn't fit me in, so instead I had to stay home from work since I couldn't move. Thankfully I was able to see him last night and I am feeling better today. Still in pain, but he said with the severity of my injury its going to take 2-3 days to feel back to normal again.

Here is a funny story of what happened at Dr R's last night. Looking back its hilarious but at the time. NOT SO MUCH!!

SO I'm laying face down on his table, and I feel him place something between my index fingers and middle fingers on both hands. It felt soft to me so I asked him what it was. He said it was kleenex. I said why am I going to need kleenex?! He then told me that I was most likely going to cry.


He is standing by my lower back poking it with my index finger and thumb, which If I could have moved I would have jumped up and ripped his fingers off of his hands, it hurt THAT. BAD.

Then he proceeds to say, "Now Charity, we need to have a talk about what I'm going to do next"

"ok" i say

"what i'm going to do is going to hurt"


"no ritty, its going to H.U.R.T."

" well i'm allready in pain I think I can deal with it"

"what I'm about to do, makes people scream and cry... And not to scare you, but you're not going to be able to breathe for about, oh 30 seconds"


at this point i am totally freaking out!!

"now just relax, its going to be fine, i'll be right here with you, do'nt be scared, you'll be able to breathe after about 30 seconds. it will be fine, i promise."

i sigh in resignation

"is this going to make me feel better" I ask

"well... not right away, its going to really hurt.."

"in the long run, WILL THIS MAKE ME FEEL BETTER??!!"

"yes, it will"

"ok. just do it. do it now. just DO IT!!"

i take a deep breath in and then slowly exhale holding on to the air that I may not be breathing again for who knows how long.

suddenly i feel his hands press down and OOMMPH.

"was that it?"

at the same time Dr R says "You're not screaming?"

"no, was that it? was that supposed to hurt?"

"you're the ONLY person who hasn't screamed in pain when i've done that!" he exclaims

Truth be told it felt pretty good as I could feel everything shifting back to where it was supposed to go. Now the next pop he did further up my spine, that about made me scream. But there was no way on earth I would let him know that!

I was proud of myself though. Wussy Charity was a big girl!!! :)



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