Or the blogs that make me laugh the most:) Here are my top three favorite blogs written over the past two years when I worked at the Temple of Doom. Enjoy!! The Smell of Death... and Vicks Vapor Rub... Current mood: silly Category: Life It has been a very rough week at work. Monday I came in and there was an intense smell of death surrounding my desk.Yes, a mouse has died at Kelly Group. And it has died somewhere in my area. Its not pretty people.... After moving all of my stuff, and looking into all of my drawers I still couldn't find the source of the smell. (truth be told I was quite afraid to find the little bugger. i am deathly afraid of mice, whether they be dead or alive.) My WONDERFUL boss Dave, even got on the floor under my desk and moved everything looking for the mouse. Unfortunately he didn't find it. Although I was really hoping he would. a. since the smell would dissapate and b. he generally takes care of all the icky and scary stuff for all of us at work. We t...