I really don't even know where to begin with this post. This book was the best book I have ever read. I picked it up thinking it would be a fun way to pass the time- a cute, romantic comedy. But in reality it ended up being way more than I had expected. The premise of the book was a girl in her 30's who had never been married and was looking for men in every which where. Looking for a husband, trying to force situations that weren't good, the whole shebang. Instead of it being a humorous book it was very, I don't know, I don't even know how to put it into words. I cried through most of the book. Simply because, this girl, it was me. It was SO ME. I am so afraid that I will end up alone and never be married that if I see any male that fits the bare minimum of my requirements I go after him, and immediately have us married off in my mind, and try to scheme and plan how we can get together. And yes, I admit it. I google stalk. Don't look at me like you've never...