Well the picture that I *REALLY* wanted to blog won't send from my phone, so stay tuned for my piece of crap 1994 phone to work so I can show you the most disturbing thing I've seen lately.
This post is just a mish mash of not very exciting things, but I really wanted to blog more this year and here it's not even February and I'm failing miserably!
The above picture is my new shelf I scored at CVS of all places on an after Christmas sale. I decorated it with a picture frame my mom made of my initial, a small candle, and a sweet picture of my parents. It hangs right by the door so I have my keys there as well. And a seasonal snowman. I need to put my snowmen up and find something else to put out but I don't know what?
A few weeks ago I met up with Emboz and Madi for a Pink Weds Ladies who Lunch at Chilis. It was super duper good. Madi is such a mess. Love that kid and her mullet. Emboz and I shared this chocolate molten cake ice cream thingamajig and I had to laugh because we were sharing it like a couple on a romantic date. Only the romantic feelings were how we both felt about the dessert! I would have married that thing if I could have!
And just for kicks and because I miss him, a precious picture of my Snugglemuffin reading to his BFF Eeyore. That kid loves to read! Over Christmas I read him a Charlie Brown book, which he also LOVES, and by the end of the visit he could identify every single one of the characters. I will admit that we had to make Mom google two of their names. one of which i have forgotten. whoops.