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My Knight in shining Armour..

Well we all know it's Father's Day weekend, but what you might not know is that this week celebrates two other important events in My Father's life! The first being his birthday! Kinda hard to have a life unless you are born! The second biggest event in his life, next to being born, happened around this time 50+ years ago.

A little boy asked his Daddy if he could invite his best friend Kevin to go with him to VBS at his church. His Daddy said yes, and they took this little boy named Kevin with them to VBS. That little boy met Jesus at VBS. That little boy named Kevin who met Jesus after his friend invited him to VBS is My Dad. ( I have tears in my eyes just typing that)

His life was forever changed. And as an effect of that, my life was changed as well. In fact I think it is safe to say that I wouldn't exist if my Dad hadn't gotten saved at that VBS. My Dad is one of 7 kids and he is the only one out of all of them who is saved. His family is riddled with alcohol and immorality. I truly believe that if my Dad hadn't gotten saved that night 50+ years ago, that my Mom would never had said yes to his date, or married him. My Mom grew up in a home of unbelievers as well. Her Dad, my beloved Grandpa was an alcoholic until right before she graduated highschool. After growing up in that atmosphere she knew she wanted better for her children.

I'm constantly amazed at how wonderful my Dad is, despite growing up in a family that did not show love and was not self less. My Dad started working full time at the age of 16. He went to school during the day and then after school headed to a second shift job. He always had to work hard to just clothe himself. He has continued to work so hard to provide for my Mom and our family. We may have never been rich but I have always had everything I needed. I have never wanted for anything. I will admit that my Parents have spoiled me. And continue to do so! That is just a sign of their selflessness, and their giving spirits. My Dad will help anyone he see's in need, without even thinking about it.

I refer to my Dad as my Knight in shining Armour, he rolls his eyes at this, but it's so true. I can't count the times I have called him upset or crying or scared because I have had a problem, or an issue with my truck. He has dropped everything to come and save me, to fix my truck, to take it home. Just last night I was remembering the times that he has met me in bad weather to follow me home to make sure I was ok. 

I remember one year in college I was coming home for Thanksgiving and we were having a huge snowstorm (so bad that my brother got into a car accident on his way home) my Dad left work and drove almost all the way to Lafayette to meet me and follow me home in the snow. It took us almost 2 hours to make it home, including a stop at the gas station where he filled up not only his truck but mine as well.

(Now the only complaint i have about this touching story is that he did not properly warn me about the digustingness of the gas station bathroom in Wolcott. A 2 hour drive and my bladder, no bueno. I'm pretty sure I got about 5 different diseases from that bathroom and when I ran out of it nearly gagging and told him how bad it was he laughed.)

My favorite memory of my Dad growing up is from all of the Teens Involved competitions I went to. He went to We would be there for close to 10 hours, and he would never complain, he actually enjoyed them! What I loved the most was everytime I would win, everytime my name was called for a Piano Solo or for me singing, my Dad would JUMP UP clapping his hands like a crazy man and whooping and hollering. He got a reputation in the competitions for his reactions. His level of excitement was like I won a billion dollars and cured cancer all at the same time. His reaction and his pride and excitement for me winning was what I looked forward to the most. He was always SO proud of me, and it just made me feel so so loved. I'm crying right now just thinking about it!

What I love about my Dad now is seeing how much he loves my nephew Benjamin. And seeing the joy and happiness that he brings to him! It's so fun seeing them together and playing, it gives me a picture of what he was like when I was super little.

I asked my Dad one time when we were with Benjamin if he did these things when we were babies/toddlers, and he had a sad look on his face and said yes, but that he didn't get to spend as much time as he wanted with us as he worked such long hours.

I remember my Dad working and knew that he always worked super hard to provide for us, but I remember him being there. Every evening. Like when we would watch McGuyver and I would get scared and scoot all the way up to the back of the couch (i sat on the floor) and grab ahold of my Dad's leg. (yes, i was a weird kid that show gave me nightmares!). I remember sitting on the couch reading with Mom and Kev and Dad being in his recliner, he was always studying the Bible. And listening to Ray Boltz. My Dad has always had a passion and a love for reading the Bible. All of my life I can look back and remember us hanging out in the living room or family room and he'd be there with his Bible. 

Of course we can't talk about my Dad's passion for reading the Bible without mentioning our Christmas morning routine. We have always read the Bible and then prayed. Over the years it has, and still is! been interesting to see how far Dad will read until he realizes that we are done with the Nativity and Mom and I are usually giggling. I am not exaggerating when I tell you that one year we made it almost to Acts. As it stands now by the time he realizes we are laughing, Jesus is in his 30's. But I love that! And I love that we start Christmas by what the day really is. I also love our family prayer time afterwards. It has evolved over the years to be what I refer to as our "Year in review prayer" Dad/Kev/Grams will pray over everything that has happened over the year and we will give Praise and Thanks to what God has done for us and brought us through. Honestly it is the thing I most look forward to at Christmas.

Other random things I love about my Dad:

I am grateful that he gave me the Tall Gene from his side of the family
as well as the crazy thick and crazy curl hair gene
He loves ice cream and I blame him for my subsequent addiction to it. He would always get a shake after a bad day at work, I just recently realized that my dilly bar final grades addiction was because of that!
He is a man's man and very strong but he has a sensitive heart. He takes things to heart and is a feeler and I am the same way. I love it when my Mom says to me "You're so much like your father" I take that as a high high compliment.
He can fall asleep anywhere, anytime, no matter what is going on, even if his Grandson is playing tractors right next to him and plowing him in the side.
He loves music and is a really good singer.
He likes to dress up for Church.
He smells good. Well, most of the time!
He plants lots of cucumber plants in his garden just for me.
He hasn't killed me yet for having my camera constantly out.
Or for posting them on facebook.
Although he might kill me for this blog post. He's a private person.

I could go on and on and on about my Dad. He is pretty awesome, and that is all from the Grace of God. Like I said at the beginning of this post. Neither of my parents grew up in Christian homes, they didn't have an example of how to raise children well or how to have a Godly marriage. But they were committed to Christ and to finding out how to do so and glorify him.

I am so thankful for what happened 50+ years ago. That My Dad was born, and then he was born again one night at VBS. Happy Birthday, Spiritual Birthday and Father's Day Dad! I love you and am so PROUD to be your Daughter!!

O our God, we thank You and praise Your glorious name!
~ 1 Chronicles 29:13


His Doorkeeper said…
Charity, This is the sweetest post ever! I certainly hope your Dad got to read it. You are certainly blessed but then, so is your Dad to have such a grateful daughter!
God can do great things!!

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