Time to post the random pictures hanging around my phone before it's a new month! I like this one of Em and the Mads at our most recent lunch date. Just perusing the menu... Madi spent most of the lunch date under the table/booth. I looked down and saw Em's foot and a tiny foot next to hers. I laughed. I've had some frozen fruit and have been experimenting with different smoothies. This one was a blueberry,grape, and raspberry sorbet smoothie. Pretty tasty! Not to be drank around people though as the berry skins stick to your teeth! awkward. I went to the library for one book. Came back with 11. Purdue is apparently ranked #4 on the top 10 colleges to meet singles guys. It made me laugh. alot. Pretty stormy sky one afternoon. SO many things are wrong with this picture... My attempt at Apple Cinnamon bread was a success! It tasted toooooooo goood. I want some now. :( Got a FABULOUS new fall haircut f...