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Showing posts from October, 2014

A whole lot of random... You're Welcome.

  Earlier this (last) week I actually had contacts in, which is rare these days, So I snapped a few pics of my festive non four eyed look.  And posed with my door sign. Which is super cute.  I'm trying to find a way to make this not sound odd, but I'm not having any luck! For the past year or so, I've been using  Opinion Outpost , which i highly recommend, to earn "fun money" basically. (Cough, Sephora Favorites Gift Sets, Cough)  Once in awhile after doing a survey I will get asked if I want to do further questioning or try out a product. Of course I always say yes! I have made several hundred dollars (outside of what I earn on OO!) saying yes, and who am I to turn down free items? So after doing a survey that asked me if I'd like to try out some Pillsbury biscuits, I said yes, and a week later the UPS man showed up at my door with a cold box holding a can of biscuits. I was excited to say the least. Referra...

This Ol' House- Bedroom Tour

 I feel awkward just typing the name of this post, but what else do you call a post on your bedroom? My bedroom is finally coming together! Last week I sold my big black dresser and was able to move in my Grams dresser that she had left to me. I can't tell you how excited I am to have it! I have many memories of trying on her jewelry and the bright lipstick that she loved, while in front of this dresser. It's funny, as much as she was a tomboy, she loved jewelry and super bright lipstick!  This is looking in from the doorway and the hall.  I love this dresser!  Please excuse the mess on top of my cabinet. Mental note to self, make sure the stuff you're hiding in your pics isn't reflected in the mirror.  Things I love: Nail polish (don't worry I have more than that!) and scarves.  My SIL gave me this cute little ottoman a while back. I can sit on it in front of my dresser!  This glass thingy was my Grams as well. And the t...

And now, in no particular order...

Is it Miss America that uses that phrase before announcing the top 10? Who knows! But for whatever reason, lack of caffeine possibly, that phrase is stuck in my mind. So now in no particular order here are some random snap shots of the past month!  I love that my house has a large window in the living room. It makes for great people/neighborhood watching while I'm waiting for students. Remember this when you get to the bottom of this post.  One day some stranger with straight hair stole my phone and took pictures of herself! Oh wait, that was me. I cut my hair too short and decided to straighten it so people would be distracted by that and not the shortness.  Another day (before the hairs cutting) I  resembled a Duggar. Just call me Jarity!!  One of my students went on vacation and gave me this ADORABLE little Cherrybear Cherry Honey!! Isn't that the cutest thing ever?! I about died! I mixed it with butter and it's sooo yummy on my toast and ...