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What a week last week was!

I failed at taking pictures except for really one day, but you will understand why soon! And I got the most important day, so you know.. priorities..

Tuesday I was up and awake early, even before my alarm went off. 

It was my day to head to a local nursing home that I play at, but even more exciting than that, it was the day my bestie was going to have her baby!

I knew what time she had to be at the hospital, but other than that I really don't have much knowledge of c sections, or how long they take.

None of my other friends have had that kind of birth, so I'm fairly well acquainted with the other process, not so much the c section process.

I assumed it would be speedier.

I. was. wrong.


When we had passed the 4 hour mark I got NERVOUS. My hands were shaking, and I was just starting to have all the fears.

I sat in front of my laptop and kept hitting refresh on her husband's fb page every 3 minutes.

OK it was every 2 minutes.

I did that for an hour.

Yes, I said an hour.

I would have done it longer but I had to leave!

So by the time I arrived for my concert we were past 5 hours and I hadn't heard anything and I was really getting scared. I'm pretty sure my hands didn't stop shaking until half way thru my hour long concert. 


I didn't have any reason to think something had gone terribly wrong, but I have had someone close to me lose a loved one during a c section, so even though that rarely happens, I was just very aware that it does. And without warning. So I prayed and prayed, as I played away, and eventually my nerves calmed down.

And after I got done with my concert, and I had chatted with the activities director and explained my hand shakingness, ha! (she hadn't noticed anything, God bless people who aren't musical) I went and checked my phone and saw baby girl had arrived!!!! HURRAY!!! I then proceeded to hustle my way back to the director's office and say She's Here!!SHE'S HERE!! And the director replied Who? OH WAIT! THE BABY IS HERE??!! Do you have pictures? What is her name? And this is why this facility feels like home y'all. 

This is my post concert, I can breathe now that I know everything is ok piano selfie.
And here is the cutest little patootie!! Miss Evie!

Since this isn't my bestie's blo, and not my child ;) , I'll keep the details for them, but she is adorable (obviously), she came out with a full head of dark curly hair which is crazy since big sister is a blondie. We are all IN LOVE! I can't wait to get my hands on her and snuggle!!

 I wasn't sure anything could top that but we tried to Thursday night! My church was hosting a special event for the volunteers and since I co lead a team of guest services, I was invited to the event and got to take a guest with me! Emboz was gracious enough to go along, and to pick up chik fil a for us to eat on the way to see......
 I mean he was hilarious, he's John Crist! We had a great time, and even though we were sitting in the balcony, we were in the back row, of added on chairs, so we got to adjust our seats and be super comfy, and I didn't feel like I was going to pitch to my death when I stood up. Which is always my fear in a balcony. Cherrybear is not so good with heights.
 Since we rode the bus to the event (It was held at our main campus) we couldn't stick around and stand in the very long line to meet and take our picture with John Crist, so we did the next best thing. (And both of our heads look weirdly shaped for some reason in this pic. )
I got a strawberry smoothie at capstone and popped my contacts out, and we hopped back on the bus for our ride home!

The next day I was up and went out and about to get my second massage of the summer. It was lovely and much needed after my concert earlier in the week. 

And that wraps up week 26!!


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