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 Despite the weather here staying in the 80's and 90's, I finally finished putting all of my fall decorations off.  I figured if I waited for it to be cold, it would be time for Christmas decorations! These three little pumpkins are a new addition to outside. I scored them at a garage sale this summer!
 Also found at a garage sale this summer, my new burlap fall wreath!
 Monday was not a great day. I was ready for it to be over.
 Trying to shake off my crummy monday with a face mask that evening. I bought it but didn't realize it was teal. I basically matched my entire house. hahah
 Tuesday it was time for my visit to my favorite nursing home to play for the residents! This month I was entertainment with my alzheimer's friends and we had a great time, per the usual. I brought my new Titanic books and they were a hit!
 Tuesday night was the day we've all been waiting for since May! This is Us returned with new episodes! And I did not cry. Which was odd.
 I stumbled upon the best drink ever this week. Rainbow Sherbet (My summer fave) with orange pop. SOOOOOO GOOD!!
 Thursday morning in the parking lot on my way to my allergy shots I spied a vehicle with a Northview Church Sticker!! My People!!!
 After my allergy shot and flu shot, I rolled into Sonic, to pick up drinks for Jboz and myself. If you download their app and order through it the drinks are half price ALL.DAY.LONG! Plus, it greets you with your name on the screen at the drive in, which is also exciting.

I made my way over to Jboz's house with drinks and my lunch in hand. And got to snuggle and play with my cuddle bunny Kohen! Aka Koko. Aka Kokes.  
 He is just the cutest. THOSE EYES! He also spit up on me, despite me seeing he was starting to spit up and moving with the speed of a ninja.
 The little booger would not smile in our selfies, Jboz finally got him to smile but I look like a hot mess, so enjoy this little picture of the smile monster! Again, he is the cutest!
 Meanwhile, Roman was doing his best impersonation of a Worship pastor. #SkinnyJeans (I should say that most worship pastors wear shirts, but he had a slight issue of his long sleeved shirt being soaked after he washed his hands. It's hard being 3 y'all. Oh the struggles!)
 I came back home and taught multitudes of students. I put on socks during lesson #2 and by the time the last student left I was freezing, so I broke out, the yes, you guessed it, garage sale! boots I got this summer.

It was 62.

I was frozen.

 Sunday rolled around and it was still weird weather, cool in the am then hotter in the pm. I wore a non garage sale :) outfit to church
And I was really proud of myself for matching my shoes to my shirt!


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