Many don't know this, but when I was in college, I had a dream of working in the FBI. Yes, me, wimpy, scared of sounds after I read a mystery, has to double check all the locks every night, me. I've just always wanted to do something that helped, something that mattered. And after 911 that was even more prevalent. Well I am nowhere near the FBI, but I am training for it at my APT complex. I have allready been the Loud Music Patrol- I WILL call the cops and complain about you to the main office! But now I also the accident police. I was sitting here innocently about 20 mins ago, typing away on my laptop, enjoying the cool air coming through my screen door to my balcony. Birds were chirping, leaves are rustling and all of the sudden CCRRRRUUUUNNNNNNNCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Never a good sound. I look outside and someone has rear-ended what I recognize as my next door neighbors jeep. They didn't look to concerned so I took down the make, model and color of the car, and tried to c...