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Showing posts from January, 2011

OG with the Katie Marie!

Katie and I had a much needed girls date at Olive Garden Saturday am!! We had some super yummy salad! mmmmm.... Katie had her Minestrone soup that she's been wanting for weeks. Reunited and It tastes so good!! And here people, right here is heaven. Breadsticks. And Alfredo sauce for dipping. Please see below. YUM. It just doesn't get any better than this people. HEAVEN. Apes talked me into having the Braised Beef Tortellini. It wasn't too bad! I always get my chicken fettuccine Alfredo, but i'm saving that for my birthday trip in a few weeks :) After OG we picked up the bubbies at her mom's who was babysitting them. Sammy was WIRED! He was super tired but he was bouncing all over the place! Crazy boy! He's trying to look innocent here but we know the truth! What a ham. He wanted more than two pictures!! Joey. He still loves me and I'm still his cuddle buddy. Love that boy!! I'm going to be so sad when he thinks i'm not cool anymore. :( Such a handsom...

Radioactive Eggs anyone??

So this morning I got up at the un-Godly hour of 5:45 which I really preferred not to know came twice a day, and got myself ready and hauled my half awake bottom to the hospital for my 4 hour Delayed Stomach Emptying test. One of my many issues is that I have gastroparesis (which I totally had to google how to spell!) which is basically that the bottom stomach muscle does not contract and open and close to let your food through. Instead mine has an opening about the size of a pencil eraser on a #2 pencil. It should be the size of the top of a coke can. Very big difference! Anywho, point being I have this and I have had it since 2005, when I did a 90 minute test. I am on medicine for it, but now they are finding out the long term affects of this med is not great, so we're looking to find a different medicine that will hopefully work better as on top of taking this medicine twice a day- once a year I actually have to have this stomach muscle Botox'd open. Yes, you read that c...

Grace in the Small things

1. Parking space in A- right in front of the door! 2. Same parking space still being emptying when I came back from lunch!!! 3. My Hair obeying me this morning and not looking like frankenstine. 4. Purple Ruffle Shoes!! 5. 1 month untill my birthday- i am sooo totally geeked over the entire weekend!! 6. Seeing Tyler at Chik Fil A! Made me smile! 7. New verses to memorize that fit my life and situations! 8. My core group of people that I can call/text at any given time to pray for me and they stop everything and do just that. I heart my prayer warriors.

Snow Snow Snow...

My Mom sent me this picture of their driveway and the road. The snow is coming down hard at their house. If I lived out in the country and didn't have to go anywhere everyday I would love this view! But since that doesn't apply to me, I am ready for snow to GO AWAY! I miss the sun!

Why I should be Employee of the Year...

So I had a lovely lunch break, I went out and left my fabulous parking space right in front of the door, and when I came back 20 mins later it was still empty! So I parked in it and sang a little praise joy out of sheer joy of not having to slip and slide thru the parking lot. I’m sitting there people watching everyone coming out of the building as I eat, the security guy that kind scares me went by and some other students I knew. Suddenly I see a questionable looking character come out of the second set of doors to the building and take a cigarette out of his pocket and light up! Procedes to stand RIGHT BY THE DOOR SMOKING!!! We are a smoke free campus and there are signs posted everywhere. Being that I am allergic to smoke I am rather passionate about people not smoking around me. Especially when it’s a rule! I sat there for about 7 seconds until I whipped out my cell phone and called the security guy. Yes I have both our security officers and our police officer on campus programmed ...

Creamy Pepporoni Ziti Recipe

1 Package ziti or small tube pasta 2 Cans Cream of Mushroom Soup 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella cheese 3/4 cup chopped pepporoni (make sure you seperate the pieces or they will clump together) 1/2 can evaporated milk 2 cans diced mushrooms 1 can diced tomatoes (drained, or just leave the lid down on the can and pour out the juice) 1/2 chopped green pepper 1/2 cup chopped onion 1/4 cup chicken broth 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder (or to taste) 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain. In a large bowl combine the pasta with everything but the parmesan cheese. Stir well and transfer to a 9 by 13 pan. Sprinkle the top with parmesan cheese and if you're like me, get the bag of shredded mozzarella back out and lightly cover the entire top. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. And then enjoy the yumminess!! side note- wow, this is a first, the bad cook giving a recipe on her blog! ;)

New Years in Iowa/Longest picture post EVER!

So I realized I blogged about Benjamin but not about our overall trip to Iowa! So here is how we spent our New Years, better late than never right?! We headed out early Friday morning. Here is our packed truck. FYI the presents in that box all hit me in the head when Dad had to skam on the breaks. Youch. My little spot! Ahahah this picture cracks me up! I was SO tired, my eyes are like half open!!! hahaha We drove through some crazy thunderstorms untill about an hour away from Kev's and tehn it got very foggy. It was pretty though, fog on farmland.. When the roads start to be named John Deere, you are very close! :) The Pavillion has TONS of cool JD stuff but its pretty expensive. :( WELCOME TO IOWA!!! YAYS!! I was SOOOO excited at this point!! But not so excited to be on that gnrarly bridge. I HATE that bridge! K&L with Benjamins outfit from Auntie Katie! Mom makes baby blankets for people we love, here is Benjamins! I thought it was adorable! I keep telling her she nee...

Cherrybear can COOK!!!

I would like to introduce you to the gloriousness that is Creamy Pepporoni Ziti.. My life has forever been changed because of it. It is 7890789 kinds of awesomeness. I told Dr Avery it was almost Olive Garden Worthy. He told me to quit being blasphemous. ha. It is danged stinkin good though. I was so proud of myself! I am actually turning into a halfway decent cook!!! *SHOCK*

This is what happens... when I'm at the ENT for an hour and a half....

It starts off innocent with me taking a picture of myself..... And goes downhill quickly once I spot all the fun instruments!! side note- had i known this was to look in your nose, i probably wouldn't have gotten my eyeball quite so close to it.. One of my favorite pieces!!!! Where Is Katie Marie when you need her as a body to look at?!??!?! Oh well, I'll just take pics of myself. That will suffice.. ohhhhh that doesn't look good!! YIKES!! And here I am practicing my innocent why no Dr/Nurse I was NOT playing with your instruments.. no, not at all!! 0=-)

Grace in the Small Things

1. Kathy bringing me green bean chips!! YUMMY!!! 2. Learning how to make a super yummy new dish and having leftovers! WHAT! WHAT! 3. Two fast days at work. 4. Seeing a preview of my FABULOUS new blog design!!! SQUEEE!! 5. Dr Avery FINALLY shaving his beard!! What a happy surprise!!

It's only a game...

So apparently I have famous friends! My "little brother" Trevor went to the PU/MI game Saturday night and I think he was the only Michigan fan in the building bless his heart.. His enthusiasm, or lack thereof, considering how the game was going, made him appear on ESPN. When I heard he was on ESPN I was not shocked. Nope, not at all. I thought well, of course, why would he not be! Its Trevor! I have to admit though I laughed pretty hard when I watched the clip, and you will too! Just c lick and go to the 00:16:32 mark and then the 01:57 mark

Bible Study Breakfast!!

There are very few reasons I would get up super early on a bitterly cold Saturday and go ANYWHERE. But for my Women's Bible Study I will do pretty much anything because I just love and adore these women and love learning and fellowshipping with them! So bright and early this snowy morning I headed all dolled up to church for our kick off Breakfast! It definitely did not disappoint! I had such a great time! I sat with my buddy Karen who I now know owns a pink shirt so I will be expecting her to be showing up to bible study in that on Pink Weds :):) For some reason we are always the loudest, giggliest table no matter what... I have no clue why? 0=-) We just like to have a good time! And we always do!! Brenda also sat with us, I have had the pleasure to get to know her a little better and she is just the sweetest, funniest lady!! And yes this is a bad picture of me but what can you do? I was super excited that my Bryna was there, we hadn't hung out in awhile so It was nice to cat...

I heart Bathroom pics...

Fridays Outfit! I felt very Kelly today with my layered look! Yes, I take pictures in the bathroom. You know you love it!!!!!!!!!