Last week I had dinner with the girls, and am just getting around to blogging about it! It was so much fun! I could not believe how much that Miss Addie had grown into more of a little girl, vs a baby, in the few short weeks it had been since I saw her last. Now she is sitting up in her highchair with us at dinner and looking all around when she hears noises, or her Momma walks away. It was CRAZY to me to see how fast she developed into that! Slow down little girl! I am cracking up at the selfie above, the 7 month old knows where to look for the picture, the 33 yr old. not so much. Outtakes, me trying to get her attention. Addie- Not caring. Ha! Why are you sticking that black thing in my face crazy lady? I like it better when you sweet talk me and call me a Pretty Girl! Obviously I had called her a Pretty Girl there :) It was so cute that when I walked into the house Addie was eating some baby food in her highchair, she kind of looked at m...